how a counselor can help you deal with grief

Narrative Therapy For Couples Will Prompt You And Your Wife To Rewrite Your Stories

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You and your wife may be going through a rough patch that involves her being depressed and you thinking that there is nothing that you can do to boost her confidence and sense of well-being. A depressed person often becomes withdrawn and this could lead to you blaming yourself for your partner’s behavior. With narrative couples therapy, a counselor will encourage each person to speak candidly about past and present situations, which are valued as important.…

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Holistic Healing For Addiction: 5 Crucial Aspects Of Well Being Drug Treatment Must Address

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Addiction is a monster that takes different forms for different people, and it’s usually much more complex than a person simply being hooked on a substance. For many, it’s about internal turmoil, from one source or another, obstructing the person’s path to a normal and healthy existence. When someone can’t cope with the stress of life, when they don’t feel as if they deserve a normal life, or when they’re haunted by a violent or uncaring past, drugs are a powerful escape option.…

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Struggling With Your Sexuality? Could Therapy Help?

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If you self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or another part of the LGBT spectrum, you may still struggle with self-acceptance. Even with the advent of legalized same-sex marriage and other LGBT victories, there is still a strong societal stigma against certain facets of the LGBT community, and this—combined with social conditioning from birth—can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Fortunately, today’s psychologists and therapists are often specially trained to deal with mental health issues common among members of the LGBT community.…

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