how a counselor can help you deal with grief

I Want To Be A Lion Tamer: How A Career Coach Can Help An Accountant Make A Smart Career Move

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In the classic “Monty Python” sketch, “Lion Tamer,” an accountant, goes to a career coach because he is tired of his old job. Those stuck in this situation likely know how he feels. A major career change can be exciting. But expecting too much of a change is problematic. Accountants bored with their need to understand how a career coach can help. While making the jump from accountant to lion tamer may be tough in one go, a career coach can help point them in the right direction.…

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Drug Addiction Recovery

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Substance abuse and addiction may have been around for as long as the Homo Sapiens species has existed. Experimenting with psycho-active plants, organic compounds, and distillations seems to be part of human nature. Addiction happens naturally with substances that are biologically or chemically habit-forming. However, addiction has become more common in modern humans compared to our distant past due to the introduction of medicines and pharmaceutical drugs. According to one source, drug overdoses kill over 40,000 people per year in the United States.…

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New Trend Of Hiring An ADHD Coach To Help Your Child To Accomplish Goals And Improve Social Skills

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that occurs during childhood and may extend through adolescence and adulthood. This condition makes it quite difficult for your child to focus on tasks and pay attention. Some children show tendencies of hyperactivity and become very impatient as well. This condition makes it hard for children to behave well in school. These problems can be treated with medicine and behavior modification modalities. However, a new trend of hiring a personal and licensed coaches to help your children accomplish goals and improve social skills is meeting with success.…

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